50 Things! 2011

To continue my annual fall tradition, I have written a list of fifty things. Fifty of God's good gifts. These are big things and little things, but they all have this in common: They color my life with love, joy, and gratitude.

So, here's a sneak peek into my inner life. Thank you for being a part of it. :).

50 Things!

1. The Redeemer, and His promises. The story of Philippians 2:1-11.

2. Clouds. I just think cloud formations are miraculous.

3. Breaking bread.

4. Hugs. (Not side-hugs. Just so we're clear.)

5. A special nod to the friends who are well-aware that you are sick, and choose to hug you anyway.

6. Christmas! And everything summed up in that magic word.

7. Chocolate chip cookies, right out of the oven.

8. Friends with whom you can both engage in deep conversations, and stay comfortably silent.

9. Going to sleep without having to set an alarm.

10. Improv. And the creative impulse.

11. Theatre. :). Community and fellowship.

12. Northern lights!

13. The Eiffel Tower.

14. The sound of a dancer's feet, as they skim the ground.

15. The smell of firewood.

16. Listening to the sound of ocean waves.

17. Apples with peanut butter.

18. Being able to let your guard down around people you trust.

19. The change in seasons.

20. Singing loudly (and jubilantly) with friends.

21. The glint of sunshine after a rain.

22. Curling up with a blanket and a good book.

23. Musicals!

24. The sensation of falling asleep.

25. The feeling of wind as it blows through your hair.

26. The sound a soda can makes as it's opened.

27. Listening to a good story-teller.

28. Roadtrips.

29. The carefree smiles and laughter of children.

30. The smell of just-baked cinnamon rolls.

31. Giving gifts.

32. A kind word spoken at just the right time.

33. Seeing friends in your dreams.

34. The sound a carbonated beverage makes when it's poured over ice.

35. Slurpees.

36. Looking through old photo albums/reading through old letters.

37. A bowl of hot soup when you're sick.

38. Changing into pajamas after a long day.

39. Discovering a new song you really love.

40. Submitting a big project or paper.

41. Counting stars.

42. The feeling of being inspired.

43. Loud hopes and dreams.

44. Cameras. So, so thankful for that marvelous invention.

45. When people share with you. Be it something like a snack, or something that's on their heart.

46. Bumping into a good friend unexpectedly.

47. Sunflowers.

48. Knowing you are loved.

49. Living the Story.

50. You.

What are you thankful for, friend?


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