A Conviction of Kindness.

Sometimes I think younger me knows more than present me. (Do you ever feel like that?)

I found this entry when I was reading through my old journal from last fall. Re-reading what I had written impacted me, and convicted me to make a change. I thought I'd share it with you.

PS: If you haven't read An Inspector Calls, spoilers await. Consider this your warning. ;).


November 22nd, 2011.

I read An Inspector Calls today. It made me think and feel - wrestle. Sign of a good play, I think. The play's about a family whose actions, unbeknownst to them, had extreme repercussions on a young girl's life... eventually leading her to kill herself. Little/big acts of selfishness here, unkindness there, and the woman's life fell apart. It reminded me of this quote: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

And it made me think of a couple specific instances where I've seen the toll of unkind actions. When a misunderstood girl just wanted someone to be her friend. When a teenager was stereotyped and stamped as "unworthy" by people who never even listened to his story. When celebrities who were jeered in their life were memorialized and celebrated with words/praise following their deaths.

It makes me mad. Makes me sick to my stomach.
Lord, maybe all they need(ed) is someone to fight for their hearts.
All it would take is for someone to step up. Reach out. Extend a hand; extend hope.

But we aren't very good at reaching out, are we Lord?

Our hands are too full with the stones we're casting.


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